

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Evie's Baptism

I have been a bit tardy in posting on Evie's baptism, which happened on Easter Sunday. We were so fortunate that our whole family was able to join us for this event and celebration. Following the baptism, we went back to our house for brunch and an Easter Egg Hunt. The weather was beautiful that day, so we were able to spend a lot of time outside and I think that everyone had a great time. Because we are scattered all over, it is so hard to get everyone together. but we love when it is able to happen.

Evie was great during the service, she actually fell asleep during the sermon and only woke to water pouring over her head for the third time.
Godparents Uncle Rusty and Aunt Genevieve

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spring 2014 Demo Day

Last night Drake had his Spring 2014 gymnastics demo day at Electric City Gymnastics in Anderson. We started gymnastics in August in the parent/tot program and then in January he moved to the 3-5 year old class where. It is amazing to watch how much he has developed over the past nine months. He went from a toddler that needed help with all aspects to a little boy doing flips over the bar.
Drake has learned to forward roll and last night was successful at performing a backwards roll (with help) for the first time. His strength has continued to increase, especially in his upper body and hopefully he will maintain his baby flexibility (unlike his mother who has no flexibility what-so-ever).
Electric City Gymnastics is a great gym because they have a designated pre-school area. Drake is especially fond of the bars and loves to jump from as far away as possible and catch himself swinging on the bar. If they did not make him rotate through stations, he could do this all day long. He is also very fond of the rings and tumbling trampoline.  
Drake's coach this session was Krisha, who he LOVED. She did an amazing job working with a group of kids in a wide age range but also with a really wide skill level. She somehow managed to keep all of the kids on task and engaged. 
We know that, with his size, Drake will never be a gymnast. As one of the youngest in his class, he is already towering over almost everyone. But, it has been a great experience for him to work on his flexibility, strength, body control, and listening to directions. He {usually} loves going to the gym and we are looking forward to starting his summer session in a few weeks.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

7 Months

Evie turned 7 months old on Friday, May 2 and as I said with Drake and with every passing month, it is amazing how fast time moves forward. So, some of the things Evie is now doing:

- Sitting up on her own for long lengths of time. We have to place her in the sitting position, but she can sit forever and prefers that position over laying down now

- You are starting to move backwards although you have not realized that this could be a way to reach an intended destination. You are starting to get your belly and hips off the ground also, so I would imagine that crawling will be in your future very soon.

- You love being outside and luck for us, it has been beautiful weather lately so we are able to spend all weekend outside. You are content just sitting on a blanket and playing with a few toys.

- You went on the swing for the first time on Saturday, May 3 and loved it, especially when your best buddy, Drake, was pushing you
- You are a great eater and have now had: sweet potatoes, butternut squash, green beans, peas, avocado, carrots, peaches, apple, banana, and strawberries. You will pretty much eat anything we present you with, although you prefer if we would not give you the green stuff.
- You still love Drake so much and think that he is the funniest guy around. You will pretty much laugh at anything that he says and will let him roll you over and give you fierce (but loving) hugs).
We always knew that we had a good baby in Drake, but we have a great baby in Evie. She does not fuss, rarely cries, and just loves to smile and laugh. We have cut out her middle of the night feeding and she normally wakes up around 1:00 but after a diaper change, goes right back to sleep.

This week starts a few trips that we have planned so we will see if Evie is a road warrior like her brother. We leave for Delaware for a wedding on Wednesday and then I am planning to take a solo trip with Drake and Evie to New Orleans for Memorial Day.