

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Day At the Park

Yesterday evening we took Drake to the park for the first time (and it was more like 15 minutes than a day). He loves air to be blown in his face (from a fan or from us), so I thought that he would really enjoy the swing. It's not that he didn't have fun, it is more that he did not seem thrilled by this new world. He went down the slide a few times, went in the swing for a few minutes, and then just watched other kids playing. I know this was the first of many trips to the park for us.

We have also tried a few new foods...

Chicken and Mushrooms

Summer Squash

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Goodbye Old Friend

Last night we sold the Xterra. While I am super happy to have that done and have one less car to pay insurance on, it is a little bitter sweet. This was my first big purchase; thiswas my first (and only) brand new car. The Xterra has been all over the east coast (as far north as Maryland), Ohio, and as far west as Louisiana. It has always been dependable and gotten me where I needed to go.

Before Drake was born, we decided that we wanted a station wagon. For any of you that have searched for a station wagon in recent years, there are really not that many choices. Then, in July, my grandmother decided to move into an assisted living facility and sold us her Volvo station wagon. So, now all of our new adventures will be in the little white Volvo.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wine and Design

An artiest I am not, but last night I went with a group of friends to Wine and Design in Greenville. This is one of those places where everyone paints the same picture and they all turn out pretty much the same. I had no idea how they were going to teach me in a way to make my painting look somewhat good. I mean, I can't even draw a stick figure.

It really was pretty easy though. The instructor explained how to draw the base of the picture and from there, gave us point by point instructions. It was a lot of fun. While my painting is still not great, it is presentable. I was told that it "had a lot of depth".

Friday, September 23, 2011

Still Standing

Monday Drake started to pull up to his knees, by Tuesday, Drake was pulling up to a stand. Now he is crawling to anything that will allow for him to pull-up to a stand. I am just so surprised with how quickly he is changing and learning how to do new things.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stand in the Place Where You Are

Yesterday Drake and I were in his room playing and I pulled out a new (to him) toy. I sat him up so he could play with the toy and he started to pull himself up! He got to the point where he was standing, with bent legs, and I helped him the rest of the way to a standing position. He then stood, all by himself, for a good five minutes. While I pull him up everyday and he loves to stand holding on to our fingers, this is a first for him...

Later, while I was putting away the groceries, I put him on the floor to play. After a couple minutes, I looked over to check on him and he had moved to the sofa and had pulled himself up to the kneeling position. How has this happened? It is normal for a baby to pull up before then can even get into a sitting position on their own?

Drake crawled to this spot and pulled himself up to the kneeling position.

In other news, I forgot to mention that we started puffs last week. He can pick them up, but moving them to his mouth is not happening yet. I thought that would be easy for him since everything goes straight to his mouth!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Down by the Riverside

This weekend was action packed with a men's soccer game, football game, and a hike! Like two weeks ago, we made it through the first half of the soccer game and the first half of the football game before we decided to go home. Drake really has been great at everything we are dragging him to, he just gets tired! We have learned that he does great eating in a variety of places (even with all the distractions). He at dinner on Friday night at Goobers (out little local bar), lunch on Saturday at the football game, and lunch today sitting on a rock along the Chattooga River. Here are a few pictures from our weekend...
At the soccer game against Duke

At the football game against Auburn

Playing with David

First ride in the backpack. We hiked to Long Creek Falls, about a 4 mile round trip.

Down by the river (Chattooga)

Sitting in front of Long Creek Falls

This was also a theme for the weekend. It seems Drake can fall asleep anywhere...which is great!
Drake also tried a few news foods this weekend. I was actually shocked that he liked both (soy beans and beef with apple and carrots). This was my first experience of pureeing beef and I must say, it is pretty gross. He ate it up though! In two days we will try the next new thing, summer squash. Then I think we will move on to chicken.
Soy beans

Beef with carrots and apples

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are You Ready for Some Football?

On September 3rd, Drake experienced his first football game when Clemson played Troy. That Saturday, it was still fairly hot outside, but we are lucky to have seats in a shaded portion of the stadium. Before the game started, we stopped by the Women's Basketball tailgate and the girls enjoyed playing with Drake, giving David and I an opportunity to eat.

We unsuccessfully tried to find some other friends before the game and went to our seats just before kickoff. Going in, we knew that the game would not be very exciting and had planned on just staying a half or so. Drake enjoyed taking in all the people, ate a bottle, and slept through the 2nd quarter before we headed home.

We are planning on going to the Auburn game this weekend and while it is a noon kickoff, the weather is only supposed to be in the 70's, so it should be a lot cooler than last time.

Monday, September 12, 2011

7 Months Old

It is really amazing how time has quickly flown and we now have a 7 month old! Drake has continued to change on a daily basis and everyday is either trying new foods or showing off new tricks.

- At last measurement, you were 28 1/2 inches long, but we have not weighed you since your 6 month appointment. I will be sure to get his weight soon!

- You are just starting to figure out crawling. Right now, it is more of two legs/arms motions and then a launch. You does that over and over until you reach your intended destination.

- You've now eaten peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, banana, avocado, pears, apples, peaches, and green beans. This week we have moved to three meals a day. The only food that you have not liked was avocado and you still love butternut squash. I was thinking that we will try the puffs in the next week.

Green bean goodness
- You have now been to your first football and soccer game. And with the soccer game, you also attended your first South Carolina game and was part of you first record breaking crowd.

- You attended your first wedding this past weekend, which was in Virginia. You have now spent significant time (enough to count the state as one visited) in South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Louisiana, and the District of Columbia. You've has also driven (well, ridden) through Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Programs are yummy!
- You can sit-up on your own, although you still topple over sometimes. A woman at the wedding this weekend told me that you have such great posture.

- Over the last two weeks you have really started to LOVE baths. You are now sitting up in the tub, which I think helps, but you really love it when I splash your face or pour water over your just think that is so funny.

- Luke and Alice (well really any dog) are still great entertainment for you. I am glad that our dogs are finally working for their food...just wait until you are more mobile and start chasing them around!

- You are now saying mama, but it really is not directed to me. I try and show you my face when you say it. You really do need to work on saying dada though because your Daddy is starting to have his feelings hurt. We work on it everyday though!
You and your cousin Tyler...he loved to make you smile and laugh

You and your cousin Logan. Logan was really interested in feeding you and trying to help you learn to crawl.

Your new sleeping position

Your first visit to a vineyard

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

And He's Off

It is official, we have a child with mobility. He does not really have a full crawl down yet, but more of a hop. I think he just needs a little more practice and will get the idea in no time. Time to start trying to make the house safe for him. I think we also may need to start cleaning a little more often because of the dog hair. Until now, we were able to get away with putting a sheet or blanket longer.