

Monday, March 3, 2014

5 Months

Evie turned 5 months old yesterday, March 2, 2014. In the the last month, she has continued to grow and change almost on a daily basis. Some notables:

- You rolled over for the first time from front to back and back to front on February 14th
- You are now babbling and talking quite a bit
- You have started laughing, especially when I tickle your tummy or when you see Drake
- You smile at Drake anytime you see him and when you hear his voice, you look around for him
- You are very alert and bright eyed
- You are now sleeping from about 8:30-5:00, although you sometimes like to add a 3:00 feeding in there to keep me on my toes
- You are friendly with everyone that you see and will allow pretty much anyone to hold you and you especially love your teacher, GeMel
- It looks like your bottom two teeth are trying to come through the gums (faint outlines are visible)