

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fall Festivities

Fall is officially here and the South Carolina weather is starting to actually have a fall crispiness. As Halloween approached, we took to some area events to get into the spooky spirit.

Our first stop was a local farm that has seemed to have found the recipe for successful agritourism. During the month of October, they have a pumpkin patch, corn maze, hay rides, and a number of activities for kids. It took Drake a little time to get warmed up to the place but in the end, we spent over two hours playing.

After the farm and a long nap, we went to our neighbor's house for pumpkin carving fun. The next night, we attended Boo in the Zoo. We made the mistake this year of going on the last night of the event. Last year we went the first weekend and did not have to wait at all. The 45 minute line we waited in this year was a departure from our first experience but Drake had a great time and a few of the animals were still out for viewing.
Last night for Halloween, we stuck to the neighborhood for trick-or-treating. Evie and I tagged along for a bit and then David and Drake continued on to visit more houses. Drake was dressed as Martin Kratt from the PBS show, Wild Kratts. My mom did a great job making his power vest, but Drake was disappointed that the Creature Power Discs did not work; he wanted to have creature power like on the show.

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