

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reading Illuminated

In the last week, Drake has entered the land of the dorks. I have known that this day would come, I just did not realize that it would come at the young age of two and a half. You see, he comes from a long line of dorks; I did this, his aunts did this, and I am sure that generations before participated in the same sort of activities. Drake has started to read in bed using just the illumination of a flashlight.

Each night after we have read his two stories, we tuck him in and say goodnight. Once we have left his room, Drake gets out of bed, selects another book or two, and reads to himself. This individual reading time typically does not last long as I often hear the book hit the floor just minutes after leaving his room. Typically he turns the flashlight off before falling asleep but last night this is how we found him.

We are actually thrilled that Drake enjoys reading so much and has independently decided that he would like to read stories on his own. We would like to thank Amanda, Jeff, and Ellie for gifting Drake the flashlight that has enabled this special reading time. I think it is almost time for Ellie to receive a flashlight of her own and embark on the road to dork-hood.

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