

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Galloping Goats

Right now, Drake continues to eat something new almost everyday. While he still eats purees, we are exploring more self-feeding options as well. I am trying to teach Drake to use a spoon at dinner, which some days he is interested in and others, not so much. In the last week he has had goldfish, graham crackers, green peppers, and I am sure a lot of other news things that I am forgetting.

We thought we would try some goat yogurt with Drake, so Saturday we went to the local goat farm to pick some up and some cheese for David. While we were there, we were able to see a number of animals: goats, chickens, dogs, horses, and a donkey. It is a pretty neat little farm that makes award winning products. David likes the cheese and I think Drake likes the yogurt, although I tried it and was not a fan. I am not sure it is worth paying double the price for half the amount of the organic yogurt that we typically purchase but it is nice to support local farms. We also bought some local natural beef (not at the goat farm) and it was one of the most tender NY Strips that I have ever had.
We also went to a couple basketball games this weekend and Drake enjoyed hanging out with his buddies and trying to climb the stairs.  
At the Men's game, the two basketball players that graduated in December received their diplomas, in a very nice ceremony. The team was in Hawaii during the graduation, so the guys had to miss it, so I contacted the President to see if he would be winning to present the guys their diplomas before a game. I am so glad that we were able to make this work because it meant a lot to the guys, their parents, and to the President.

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