

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spring 2014 Demo Day

Last night Drake had his Spring 2014 gymnastics demo day at Electric City Gymnastics in Anderson. We started gymnastics in August in the parent/tot program and then in January he moved to the 3-5 year old class where. It is amazing to watch how much he has developed over the past nine months. He went from a toddler that needed help with all aspects to a little boy doing flips over the bar.
Drake has learned to forward roll and last night was successful at performing a backwards roll (with help) for the first time. His strength has continued to increase, especially in his upper body and hopefully he will maintain his baby flexibility (unlike his mother who has no flexibility what-so-ever).
Electric City Gymnastics is a great gym because they have a designated pre-school area. Drake is especially fond of the bars and loves to jump from as far away as possible and catch himself swinging on the bar. If they did not make him rotate through stations, he could do this all day long. He is also very fond of the rings and tumbling trampoline.  
Drake's coach this session was Krisha, who he LOVED. She did an amazing job working with a group of kids in a wide age range but also with a really wide skill level. She somehow managed to keep all of the kids on task and engaged. 
We know that, with his size, Drake will never be a gymnast. As one of the youngest in his class, he is already towering over almost everyone. But, it has been a great experience for him to work on his flexibility, strength, body control, and listening to directions. He {usually} loves going to the gym and we are looking forward to starting his summer session in a few weeks.

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