Drake had his two year old well visit with the doctor today. I say well visit, but amazingly, other than when he lost over a pound when he was first born, we have only been to the doctor for well visits. He did have a cough today when he went in, but it is not something that needs to be medically treated.
David made his first solo trip the the doctor today (I had the dentist with Drake yesterday), so I had to get a play-by-play of the visit. Drake had a finger prick to test the blood, to which he responded "hurt". The stats that we all were waiting for:
Height: 36 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 28.6 pounds (55th percentile)
Head: 49.6cm (77th percentile)
Drake's height is pretty much where it has been since day one. He has continued to gain weight and actually moved up slightly in percentiles there. Head, well, it continues to increase and looks like we have moved from the small Moreland head to the big Bishop head.
He continues to grow and develop as he should. He has quite an extensive vocabulary, although he does not string series of words together. His doctor told us it was time to get rid of bah (his pacifier), so that will be our next challenge. Since he started his new daycare in August, he only uses it at night as he is going to bed. He does ask for it every night, though so I anticipate this will be a bit of a challenge. Hopefully in the next few weeks though we will be bah free.
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