This was a busy week in our house with a lot of evening activities surrounding Halloween. It started with a Halloween party at the Episcopal church in Clemson. The event was for kids younger than 5th grade and it appeared that the older (junior high) kids were running the party. There were some games and activities, although I thought that Drake was a little young for what they had to offer. I do think that he had some fun at the party though and did enjoy placing (not throwing) bean bags through holes.
After work on Monday we drove all over looking for a pumpkin. Drake was not quite old enough to get involved in the festivities or a corn maze and pumpkin patch; we're saving that for next year. I guess we waited too long to buy a pumpkin in a store and thought we were out of luck. The Montessori school around the corner from us selling pumpkins as a fundraiser in their "pumpkin patch" but, having bought one there before, we knew they were overpriced. In the end, that's where we ended up. Because it was so close to Halloween, we got a huge pumpkin for 50% off, so from now on, we just need to continue to procrastinate.
Tuesday evening was the night for carving our pumpkin and Drake was very interested in helping with that process. Then Wednesday was the big Halloween night. Clemson hosts a downtown trick-or-treating event from 4:00-6:00, but after attending last year and seeing that it is pretty much standing in line from one merchant's door to another, we opted out. I was interested in going there simply to see the costumes of all the kids that we know.
David hoped that if we took Drake to Chick-fil-A dressed as a cow that he would be given free goodies. Unfortunately the Chick-fil-A employees did not feel the same way, so I guess we will have to wait until Cow Appreciation Day. After dinner we hit the streets of our neighborhood. We went to a few more houses this year than the four we went to last, but it was still a pretty tame Halloween night of trick-or-treating. Drake still managed to be given quite a bit of candy. I guess that is what happens when you have so few trick-or-treaters coming through a neighborhood, people tend to give each individual more.
Then on Thursday night, Drake got his second haircut. I would say that this haircut was much more of a big boy haircut then the first one. She used the clippers this time and really shaped his hair. Drake did great with the whole thing and we were told that he did better with sitting still than many adults do!
Today we head to Florence to spend the weekend with David's parents and then next week, basketball begins. Hopefully Drake is ready to attend some games.
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