

Thursday, August 11, 2011

6 Months Old

To My Drake:

Happy 6 month birthday!
 Today you are 6 months old. I really can't believe how quickly you have gotten to 6 months. Everyday you continue to amaze me and I love you more and more.

- You now weight 17.45 pounds (50th percentile) and are 28 inches long (90th percentile). At the doctor yesterday they measured you at 27 inches but we are demanding a recount. I do not think that the nurse stretched you at all and she is the mean nurse (to adults), so I didn't say anything. When we got home, we measured you again and you are easily 28 inches...just like you have been for the last week!

- You can sit up on your own

- You started to say Mama this week and while I know it is not directed at me whatsoever, I love to hear you day we need to work on Dada.

- You are now eating cereal, peas, and sweet potatoes. I have carrots already made, so we will try those next and we have a lot of peaches that need to be used, so that is the project for tonight. You love the cereal and the peas and sweet potatoes are ok, although you sometimes make a funny face when eating the vegetables.
Sweet Potatoes


- You still love Luke and Alice. They make you laugh like nothing else does

- You are starting to get a little ticklish

- You are really starting to reach and grab for everything. It is great to see you find something that you want and be able to grab it...not so great when it is my hair (I've been trying to teach you that it hurts when you pull one's hair)

- You are rolling over and if we leave you alone for a few minutes, we often find that you have rolled across the room

- Every morning when we go to get you our of your bed, you are now on your tummy, pushing up to see what is going on

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