

Friday, June 29, 2012

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Life has continued to roll along and I have continued to fail to document as it passes us by.

Last weekend we made the trek down to Florence so David could attend his 20th Year High School Renuion. Friday was a meet and greet at a local "club". I decided to attend that with him since I would not be going Saturday night and I think it is safe to say that it was a bust (well, for the first hour and a half at least). The event started at 9:00 (yes, PM, don't they know we are in bed by 10:00?), and we were the only non-employees there until 9:45. At 9:45, the renuion planner and a couple other people arrived with the rest of the group trickling in around 10:15. It was nice to meet a few of the people that David has talked about in the past.

While we were in Florence, Drake got to spend some quality time with his Mammy and Granddaddy. We also had a surprise visit from David's sister and one of her sons. Drake had a great time playing with Logan and we are looking forward to seeing them again tonight when we go to Charlotte to our other nephew's play.

Maybe this weekend I will actually pull out the camera. In the meatime, here are a few pictures that I took from David's phone.
Playing on Granddaddy's lawnmower
He actually only flat water but loves the bottle

This poor 14 year old dog. She didn't sign up for this!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bloging Slacker

Well, here we are, June 19th and this is my first post for the month (and a short one at that). While one would think that because I would in education that work would slow down a bit for the summer, that has not happened yet and I do not anticipate it doing so. The summer is just flying by and my freshmen will join me on campus next week!

I did want to post a few pictures that I have recently taken. Hopefully I will be able to get back on a regular posting cycle soon! This weekend we're headed to Florence for David's 20th high school reunion. Then the month of July will be upon us with birthdays and grandparents coming for an expended stay to help watch Drake while we are between day cares. We're looking forward to all the company that we are about to have.
Happy Father's Day! Drake decided to give David a dental exam as a gift

What? Doesn't everyone wear their Kukui Nut Leis while hanging out at the house?