Drake, you are 9 months old today. This week is the week that you have been been alive for the same number of weeks that I carried you. Everyday you learn new things and it is amazing to watch your wonder when you seen something new or imitate something that we do.
You now have 2 teeth. The bottom right tooth came in first on Friday, October 28th and the bottom left tooth was quick to follow. They still are not all the way in and I can tell that they are giving you some pain. You just like to have something in your mouth all the time now.
You continue to be a great eater. I have found that proteins are not always your favorite food, but I have found the perfect ratio of protein to banana and you eat it like a champ. This month you started to eat yogurt and in the last week, I have increased your fruit/veggie intake by 2 ounce. I think starting tonight, I am going to have to increase dinner by 1 ounce. You love yogurt melts, which make for a nice dessert or snack for you.
You fell asleep last Sunday while eating your lunch. This is the first time this had happened...I am going to put the fault on the return to standard time. You took a little nap and finish lunch a little later. |
You are still exclusively a breastfeed baby. This has been a challenge and I have been a pumping fool to make this happen, but it is worth it for me to continue to give this to you. We will see what happens next week when I go on my first overnight trip without you.
You are still wearing 12 month clothes, but everyday when I put something on you, I tell your daddy that today is the last day you can wear that. We bought you some new clothes last weekend and got 18 months, which are slightly big but at this rate, they will be too small soon! You were only in the 12 month clothes for 2 months! Monday you have your 9 month doctor's appointment, so I will post your height and weight stats then.
You are becoming a very fast crawler and like to follow us all around the house. You are continuing to cruise on furniture and can transition from one thing to another. I have tried to hold your hands and have you walk forward, but you are not ready for that yet.
Luke and Alice are still your best friends. You love to be near them and try to pet them, although they are not always fans of this arrangement. Most often they run off and you start to crawl after them. Last night though, Alice let you play with her tail for a minute.
You went to your first basketball game last Saturday and have a men's/women's double header tonight. I think you enjoy watching everyone at the games and people love seeing you!
Watching the men's basketball game against Queens very intently |
You have not been a great sleeper lately. For the last month or so, you have woken up in the middle of the night almost every night. Can we please go back to sleeping through the night?
You are very talkative, but you still only occasionally will say dada. Mama is constant, nana, baba, and all sorts of noises. You smack your lips to make a popping sound and your enjoy making your lips make a vibrating sound.
You now hold your arms up when you want to be picked up and you are starting to give kisses. You love beating your hands on any surface to make a drumming sound and you think fist bumps are so funny. I have been trying to teach you to clap, and while you really like the sound it makes, you are not too into this yet.
You have a great personality and love to be around people. You smile at everyone you see and that just makes them feel so special. We are so lucky to have you in our lives and get those smiles everyday.
You love to play with the water bowl. It is more fun with water in it, but you'll play with it sans water also. |
With Helen when she and Jason visited from Arizona |
First Downtown Clemson Halloween event |
David wants to make this a reading nook for Drake with pillows (it is a firewood storage area) |