For July 4th Weekend, we headed down to New Orleans to celebrate my grandmother's 90th birthday (and my brother-in-law Jeff's 33rd birthday). With so much family living in New Orleans, plus those visiting for Grandmother's birthday, there were a lot of people for Drake to meet! Like always, he gave everyone a smile.
Drake with Grandmother. She told him, "it takes a long time to get to 90!" |
Drake visiting Granny in her new apartment. |
Drake playing with Aunt Ginny's glasses. |
Drake also had the chance to meet a couple of other babies on this trip. His cousin Bennett came by to visit and then on our way home, we stopped outside of Atlanta to meet our friends Sarah, Warren, and Will. This was really the first time that Drake has been around other babies and it was great to see him interact with them. He is about two and a half months younger than Bennett and two and a half months older than Will. It really is amazing to see what a difference two month makes at this age.
Bennett trying to hug Drake (in the process, pulling his shirt off). |
Drake and Bennett |
Drake and Will |
Warren, Will, David, and Drake |
The Birthday Girl |
In addition to meet all these new people, We had a couple birthday parties for my grandmother. It was great to have a chance see the whole family at an event other than a wedding or funeral! Here are some pictures of the day...
We also got to eat some delicious food while we were there, including boiled crawfish and crabs! I think it has been a few years since I had crabs and they were delicious! Drake did pretty well on the trip, considering how long it was. While we were there, he also learned how to roll over from front to back (he learned back to front earlier in the week). We hope to get back to New Orleans for another visit soon.
Mom, me, Drake, Amanda, and Genevieve |
Genevieve and Drake |
Papa and Drake |