

Monday, July 25, 2011

Give the Boy Some Food!

Let the fun begin, Drake started solid food last night. I really was trying to wait until 6 month before we started this at the recommendation of our doctor, but Drake has started to reach for everything we are eating and drinking and actually would get a little mad when we wouldn't give it to him.

He was not successful in his attempt to eat ice cream
He has also been doing with with beer bottles but I decided not to post a picture of that

At his 4 month appointment, his doctor said that if he was doing everything he could to get at the food we were eating then we could go ahead and start him on cereal before 6 months. So, at 5 1/2 months, it was time to start this adventure.

I have learned that there are many varieties of cereal, I decided to go with the multi-grain and I bought the brand that had the fewest ingredients. I have also learned that I really am not sure what our  "desired consistency" is when it comes to cereal. I think I made it a little too thin last night but will try again tonight.

It was amazing how excited Drake got when he was sitting in his highchair and I was mixing the cereal. It was like he know what was going on and was ready to eat. Again, I guess that just shows how ready he was. We are going to just stick with the cereal until after his doctor's appointment on August 10th. After that, the world of food will open up to him!

Getting excited for solid food!

Drake had a little trouble with the first spoon of food but after that, he kept grunting for more!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our Own Private Waterfall

Yesterday we decided to take Drake on his first hike. Let me say, we need to use the term "hike" loosely. I think our total walking distance (both to and from the waterfall) was about a mile.

Because it was such a short hike, we just used the Baby Bjorn to carry Drake. David volunteered to wear it, and I'm actually glad because I think I may have had some trouble on the down hills (rock faces really).

As we got to the waterfall, the trees opened up to a bi-level waterfall with a huge, still pool at the bottom. We picked this waterfall specifically so we could swim and it was great. Drake really enjoyed himself and the water was so cool and refreshing after the heat we have had lately. We also did not see another person until we were on our way back out from the falls. It really is great living so close to the mountains. We just need to start get back into the swing of taking advantage of the proximity!

We will be hiking more in the future and can't wait to try out the Kelty backpack we got for Drake to ride in. I think we may have to wait until it gets a little cooler though because Drake was pretty hot by the time we got to the car.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5 months Old

Drake turned 5 months old yesterday, July 11th. I am not sure how time can fly so quickly but everyday Drake is doing something new and continues to amaze us.

 Drizzy Drake (as the basketball players lovingly call you):

  • You are a pretty big boy. Your unofficially weight over 16 pounds and when we checked your length this weekend, you were over 27 1/2 inches (which would put you off the scale for length for your age). 
  • Because you are so long, you are now in 9 month clothes
  • You love to talk and everyday we seem to hear a new sound that you have developed. You babble, you laugh, you have a high pitched squeal, you groan, and you grunt. 
  • You can roll over both from front to back and back to front (although sometimes you forget you can do this and get frustrated). Unlike most babies, you rolled over first from back to front (on June 27th) and then front to back (on July 3).
  • You have really been wanting to sit up and you are going to get there really soon. Yesterday you were able to sit up on your own for about 5 seconds before you would lose your balance.
Sitting on your own!
  • You still love to watch Alice and Luke, but especially Alice. 
  • You are starting to explore more with your hands. You have been touching our faces and trying to touch Luke and Alice.
  • You are actually looking at Alice in this picture
  • Last week you finally found your feet! I have been trying to tell you how much you will enjoy playing with them but you had no interest. Now they are so fun. 
  • You have visited or ridden through 8 states (South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana) and the District of Columbia...almost the whole Southeast and Mid-Atlantic section of the country knocked out!  
  • You went swimming for the first time and loved it. We are going to have to start to do that more often.

This is another big weekend, your baptism. Almost all of the family will be in town to help you celebrate. We love you and everything that you have brought into our lives in the last five months. You really make every day brighter.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday David!

Yesterday was David's 37th birthday, so the day was spent celebrating and really just relaxing. For his birthday, David had asked for a new pillow and something fun. So, a pillow he got (plus a pillow cover) and a Kelty baby backpack so we can try and go hiking with Drake. The instructions say that the baby needs to be sitting up before the backpack is used, so we are going to have to wait a little longer...maybe just a few weeks.

We did take Drake swimming for the first time yesterday. Any of you familiar with Clemson know that there are no public pools around here, so I have been trying to figure out where we could have this adventure for some time. Late last week I decided that we were just going to go to an apartment complex and hope no one asked us where we live. As soon as I had made that decision, one of my co-workers moved into the very complex I had planned to use, so now we had an apartment number to give!
Drake ready to hit the water
When David went to put on his bathing suit, he realized that he no longer had a bathing suit (I believe there was a tearing incident last summer sliding down a dam at the lake). 
 After swimming, Drake was pretty tried so the rest of the day was just hanging out and a birthday dinner.
Drake loves his Alice (and if you knew what her breath smelled like, you would know this is love!)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 90th Birthday

 For July 4th Weekend, we headed down to New Orleans to celebrate my grandmother's 90th birthday (and my brother-in-law Jeff's 33rd birthday). With so much family living in New Orleans, plus those visiting for Grandmother's birthday, there were a lot of people for Drake to meet! Like always, he gave everyone a smile. 

Drake with Grandmother. She told him, "it takes a long time to get to 90!"

Drake visiting Granny in her new apartment.

Drake playing with Aunt Ginny's glasses.
Drake also had the chance to meet a couple of other babies on this trip. His cousin Bennett came by to visit and then on our way home, we stopped outside of Atlanta to meet our friends Sarah, Warren, and Will. This was really the first time that Drake has been around other babies and it was great to see him interact with them. He is about two and a half months younger than Bennett and two and a half months older than Will. It really is amazing to see what a difference two month makes at this age.

Bennett trying to hug Drake (in the process, pulling his shirt off).

Drake and Bennett

Drake and Will

Warren, Will, David, and Drake

The Birthday Girl

In addition to meet all these new people, We had a couple birthday parties for my grandmother. It was great to have a chance see the whole family at an event other than a wedding or funeral! Here are some pictures of the day...

We also got to eat some delicious food while we were there, including boiled crawfish and crabs! I think it has been a few years since I had crabs and they were delicious! Drake did pretty well on the trip, considering how long it was. While we were there, he also learned how to roll over from front to back (he learned back to front earlier in the week). We hope to get back to New Orleans for another visit soon.

Mom, me, Drake, Amanda, and Genevieve

Genevieve and Drake

Papa and Drake

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Poison Ivy

So, I have been dealing with a skin rash for 2 weeks now. After 2 days of the initial onset, I went to the doctor and was prescribed a steroid lotion. Since I am breastfeeding, we decided to stay away from an oral steroid as they are a Category C (they have never been tested on human infants...because who would want to test a drug on an infant!). Well, as the week progressed, the rash got worse, except in the places that clearly looked like poison ivy because I started treating that with an additional lotion.

I went back yesterday with the rash all over my body and it is still diagnosed as poison ivy.  Apparently when one gets poison ivy on the inside of their arms, it is easily absorbed in the lymphatic system and can pop up anywhere! After much consultation, it was decided that I would go on an oral steroid to try and knock this out. The nurse asked me if I was willing to pump and dump. Does she not realize mlik is liquid gold?! The doctor seemed to think it would be not be harmful for Drake. What a tough decision to do what is right for Drake but also for me. David suggested that with any effects Drake gets from me taking the drugs that we may have a walker in the next week. I'm not so sure about that, but he is rolling over both directions now. It is crazy to look away for a minute and he is not on his belly anymore!

We did go to New Orleans this past weekend and had a great time celebrating my grandmother's 90th birthday. I will try and get an update of that up in the next few days.